Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm attempting to be prolific

Since I'm attempting to be prolific, which means, "producing abundant works," I'm going to write even if it is junk, sheer web pollution.

What's been on my mind lately? I was very, very excited to hear about this (literally hear, as that link is from NPR). But if you take a look at me "del.icio.us" links on the sidebar, you already saw this. "This" if you don't feel like clicking is a story about the discovery of a new Frost poem. Should I indulge and buy a copy of the magazine publishing it?

Also, I've been thinking about Muslim web presence. It's lacking, seriously. I mean we need to have an effort to get smart Muslim folks involved in developing Islam web content and proliferating that content.

I've also been thinking about work. Actually this is what I tend to do every minute living and asleep. Yearbook Deadline 1 is Nov. 1. Newspaper must be out in the next couple of weeks. I must finish reading tenth drafts, grading 11th honors re-do papers, tests for 11th, a lot of homework for 8th, and of course lesson plans for all of the classes.

I've also been thinking about fasting, because I can feel the emptiness in my stomach even as we speak... no not speak, obviously my mind is not into this as I thought it was. This is just randomness from a distracted mind.

Oh, and I'm writing this at 9:51 AM because we have a day off due to damage to the building due to stormy weather last night. I once heard the beginning of "Stormy Weather," which I believe is a spiritual or a Christian song, and I've been wanting to hear the entire song for a long while now.

I told my kids to learn to touch-type so they can write randomness as quickly as I can. They don't pay heed. Kids these days.

I discovered Writely. It seems brilliant. It was linked to on this web page about not wasting money when you are beginning a new business. I want to do that as soon as I have an idea, the skills needed, motivation, and time.

What else...? I'm not spending my time very well this Ramadan, which is quite bad. Blogging though was on my "habits to develop" list, so this posting is okay.

I'm getting excited about the prospects for midterm elections. It seems that Democrats may actually take control. I'm not very hopeful though about seeing dramatic changes.

I really want to participate in wikis, but I have don't have any expertise in any subject :( So I have nothing to contribute. A few weeks ago I did become a near expert at teaching and failing to truly teach prepositional phrases to eighth graders... I need to re-do my education.

What else? Did I ever say I love Sam Javenrouh's blog Daily Dose of Imagery? It's good. Just look at it.

Hmm...hmmm..hm... Let me check how many errors this posting has. I gave hopeful to ls and misspelled prepositional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you bumlet, you already have a website presence that i'm paying 240/year for