Saturday, August 12, 2006

Why do people blog?

No, I'm not going to address that question right now, because I have no answer. I could write a whole lot of junk here, but I know it's junk, so I don't. So why do all the millions of bloggers who do write junk write it? So below is an exercise in producing utter junk:

I'm listening right now to Beethoven's fifth symphony. I got it because my sister had to listen to classical music in her music appreciation course. I'm glad she took the course because now I have access to great music. Her school is interesting in that way, they try to produce whole and sound college grads. My own school on the other hand, specialized in creating confused and broke grads.

Also right now, there's an interesting man in the living room. He's ripping out the carpet and preparing the wood tiles below it. He took public transportation for two hours to get here and he has no cell-phone. It's as though he's living in the seventies.

Also right now I should be preparing for next school year, which begins in exactly seven days. I should be making my curriculum guides and then writing lesson plans and reading the stuff I'm teaching quarter 1. Writing these last few lines has created panic in me, and I can butterflies in my stomach. Maybe it's the crescendo in the symphony.

I went to an awesome, potentially life-changing program this summer, and unfortunately I've been rapidly leaving behind the quiet and the rhythm I gained during the program. I've been flushing out that whole experience with reading and consumption of junk in general. God help me.

I'm thinking about other junk to write right now, and I can't think of anything. So, bye for now.

1 comment:

Shanti Marie said...

People blog because they can.

I must paint so I might as well write about it.